| 5:34 PM
Google mistake-"Mt. Everest showing in China"
In an apparent error, Google Maps has shown world’s highest
peak Mount Everest as being located in China. When ‘Mt Everest’ was searched in
Google Maps on Saturday, the site returned with the result that Mt. Everst is
in Tingri, Xigaze in China. Meanwhile, social media users have been taking
exception to this apparent error. “Google is showing Mt.Everest in china which
is located in Nepal. Lets make a loud social attack on google,” tweeted Akshay
Kumar Nepal. A tweeter user who tweets at @0_0_uzzwal wrote, “Mistake by Google
:- Google map is saying "Mt. Everest" is located on Tingri, Xigaze
China !” There has been some issues with the border accuracy with the map,on
the Nepal-China Border,which resulted in the located the address of Mt-Everest
to Tingri, Xigaze China,instead of being it in Nepal.i had submitted to Google
feedback that,look into the issue and change it as soon as possible but,no any