How kidneys lapidary? The measures to protect yourself from it?
-Nepali Rocks
Today, many people would suffer kidney diseases in the rock nowadays. The disease has been seen in 40 to 70 years is more than men. Similarly, 50 years after women has been found to make this game. Since this Yunani recurrent problem for people eating and the special attention that discourages sharing daktaraharule nowadays. Once a treatment for this disease is about 20 percent 3 years, 5 years and 70 percent 30 percent 20-year period does repeat itself again in the rock.
Where lack of water because of the body heat of a person more visible in the rock on the kidneys. Yunani patients only after a lot of trouble daktaraharukoma confirmed overreact, caused it to pit complex. Kidneys, calcium, phosapheta, akjaleta and erucic acid content of the four types exist nowadays in the rock. If the rock is shaped sticky ginger similar mirgaulamai no mass or rice grain shape, even in small nowadays.
As sweat out the heat when the water supply through the urine of people who were frail, dry density of different elements (kansantresana) increases. These elements become united as Yunani take nowadays. According to the American Foundation for yurolojika dijijale complain of scorching heat and water or other liquid to be eating less than the kidney and the lapidary. Similarly, even the people, especially water scarcity and high sodiyamayukta diet does badhaumne lapidary.
The potassium urine, Magnesium, Vitamin C and B-6 to give the lapidary. Lack of body except the urine tube confined water, infections, weeks sitting in one place, eating calcium, akjaleta, uric acid, increase the amount of vitamin sunlight, some medicines and other diseases, because of the use of the reins on the rock. Sour fruit or vitamin C reduces the problem peyale Yunani Trees grow on cakkile.
Symptoms and treatment of kidney Yunani made
Kidneys, urinary tract, arrived at the narrow breaks up the rock to the people and in excruciating pain. Stone moment-the moment when urinary bladder, urine will forward while urinating, burning does. When kidneys side of the rock, or behind the sudden pain in his kidneys, urine, blood will look nausea, dizziness, vomiting, etc. from the mortuary. Similarly, the spine, the kidneys and the lower abdomen was also pain around the. Yunani vascular infection because the urine does come even kamajvaro.
If such problems should seek immediate treatment cause. The doctor stone number, nature and location of the treatment method of observing fixed nowadays. This does not even need surgery for treatment, but the stone is large and if needed surgery. 6 mm smaller than stones or other liquids, food, and plenty of water excretion can be shed. It is not a permanent solution medicine from the period. Medical science has made since the last technology easy Yunani treatment. High-frequency sound wave technology lithotirapsi undoctored is extracted from the rock to break out excretion.
Similarly, the smooth flow of urine to urine tube white situation created inside the small hole directly urine kidney filing process (pisienaela technology) is adopted. Urinary bladder, or lavage is the rock / not see or yureteroskopi sistaskopi technology has come. Yunani this technology for treatment they can get sick within a few days to return to regular work.
People would be different from the type of Yunani. Calcium forms stony ones, millet, milk, milk products, fish, vegetables, low eat if phosapheta kinds lapidary those best maize, pulses, beans, sesame, bananas, peanuts, carrots, meat, eggs, milk, cheese, liver, if not to eat daktaraharule said doors. -Cola Not used to anymore.
Similarly, those in the rock akjaleta kinds of tea, coffee, beer, chocolate, Amla, grape, lemon, cashew, randia, sakharakhanda, spinach, mustard greens, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, Vantaa, ramatoriya, tophu more compelled to avoid. Similarly, uric acid forms in the rock, those meat, eggs, liver, lungs, kidneys, and eat of girls. Grasshoppers against those stony kidneys gyastraitisa antacids should be less liquid.
Similarly, the Canadian kidney foundation is recommended to eat a glass of water hourly. Coffee, tea, coke, etc, instead of the lemon, ginger can reduce the possibility of rain and kidneys, is described in the rock. So be careful to preserve and stones to prevent the joginusa Gagan.