Monday, November 30, 2015

Whose pressure remain, SSB modern arrested 13 young?

KATHMANDU, Dec 14 hatiyarasahita Nepali land that locals are treated for seven hours at the Indian Border Security Force SSB 13 rapes has just left. After a long discussion of the party administration in Jhapa on Sunday afternoon on Monday, they are cast.
Armed police team armed them Jhapa Kechana was taken under control. Arms control was carajanasamga liiekamadhye. 4 o'clock this morning the SSB Nepali land harassing a woman by two young local villagers warrant were protesting. Immediately border security has become more teams enter with weapons in Nepali soil.
 "At vinahatiyara two come locals searching their houses have had," Police returned Organising Assistant Chief District Officer damaruvallabha Niraula new magazine, said, "Home search after the villagers to gather their besieged world. 'Abuses by villagers protested after border security mobilized Armed Police Force SSB with 13 young people who had taken control of the team.
Earlier, Nepali security forces and village after they were aimed guns. Suraj Chandra Assistant Chief District Officer Niraula kecanatarpha company was local administration. The team arrived esaesabiviruddha locals were narabaji.
