Wednesday, November 25, 2015

एक युबकले ४ सय फिटको उचाईमा रहेको तारमा टेकेर बाजा बजाउँदै हिँडे :: Watch Video

Here in the video we can see an amazing moment when a man plays trumpet while walking on a wire. Initially the man is seen standing on the wire and he slips from the wire but doesn’t fell down since he is tied and he sleeps in the wire for a while. He then sits in it and starts crawling, after a while he again stands on his feet and tries to balance his weight on the wire. He finds it little hard to make balance but after struggling for a while he makes it right. He then starts plying trumphet and walks along the wire. This is really amazing and the way he is passionate about it and it makes the video more interesting. It is said that every individual are born capable. All the people have some ability. The god has given one capability to individual people. The person is lucky enough if he can find out what is that capacity in him and in case if someone is just thinking that God forgot to give him some ability then he is absolutely wrong and the God has given to him and he needs to know what is that. It also depends on people how they find out what God has given to him. God has given you some talent doesn’t mean, it will explore itself; a person should work on it and found out what is his ability and his interest. People have passion for different thing, they love exploring many new thing and they are always ready for the experiment. The people go to different place, visit different place and learn different thing about the place. Some love exploring the danger and some love learning the custom and tradition, some love to explore within self.
