Sick Hospitals blockade Mahakali Zonal Hospital while doctors Kanchanpur movement demanding allowances :: Read News>
Zonal Hospital four doctors demanding additional bhattalagayata participate in various training bahirangi closure for an indefinite period of Sunday.
9 pm-patient department of the morning they announced closure tamsdai tract are treated by the patient.
Hospital Administration Chief Medical Officer Mahesh Shah sivasinha Bhandari, Neelam Shah, Hari Sharma and Yogesh Bhatta said closure. According to him, four doctors have said before. But the service have stopped. Suddenly the doctor came four tamsdai his memorandum to the Administration Chief Bhandari hospital closure.
Medical Superintendent Dr Bharat Bahadur Chand Ram Tewari and the chief accountant of the opportunity they have done this are absent. Doctors treat patients for treatment outside the movement they are forced to.
Medical officer Hari Sharma, additional allowances and facilities to which they have failed because the said movement.