Saturday, November 28, 2015

New magazines - solve problems are three parties for? :: Read News >>

Kathmandu, 13 November - three major parties to resolve the issue of Tarai Congress, UML and Maoist have failed in the same opinion.

The government and opposition parties failed to make the same assumption that uncertainty negotiations. 2 November the Government and the two sides formally Talking SLMM has not been any discussion.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Kamal Thapa-led alliance government panel set 11-point demands put vartatolisamaksa major parties Congress, UML and UCPN-sharing concept only after the day's meeting, saying it was another meeting. However, so far the plain demands of the major three parties have not been able to make common concept.

Since 5 November meeting of Congress called major parties also participated in the meeting of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli. Solved the problem by making common with Prime Minister Oli Madhesi 6 November ruling party and the opposition Congress called a meeting of 16. The meeting also agreed on common concept, even though he could not give a concrete shape.

Three-party informal discussions broadly inclusive pratidhitva and electoral areas in which amendments to the constitution, the Legislature-Parliament presented the bill forward, the federal provinces demarcation altering not, agitating Madhesi Front joined the political committee to the comment on the basis of a two-month limitation corresponded to dissatisfaction resolve Vice-chairman Narayan Kaji Shrestha made concept. However, the alliance does not lend talking, demarcation should be changed now our business is stuck in negotiations plows.

Front province demarcation, altering the basis of population constituency, proportional representation, and citizenship is taken as the minimum conditions demand that dialogue. With regard to demand electoral constituencies according to population, some flexibility has been seen in the front. Each district will have a constituency not rise to the rest of the population can be considered the basis for determining the areas of goodwill Secretary Manish Suman explains things.
