Friday, November 27, 2015

परापूर्व कालदेखिको छिमेकी देश भएर पनि भारतले अमानवीय तरिकाले नेपालको घाँटी निमोठ्यो :: Read More News ::

Ghaighat (Udaipur), 11 December. CPN (UML) senior leader and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal to India From ancient times through the neighboring country Nepal Neck inhumane nimotheko has said. East Sunsari Chatra-Udaipur-machete-Sindhuli- capital as an alternative highway, which connects Kathmandu, Nepal to monitor Udaipur today arrived in Udaipur press conference organized by Press Chautari Nepal said - "now called close friend of Nepali subscription neighboring India presents a good constitution is nimotheko neck. This is the greatest irony. " Hindus in the belly m s press the Indian government shut for most of the Hindu Nepalese living in the Nepal border and economically neck nimotheko leader Nepal said. He further said - "At present, most of all constitutional rights of equal rights hometown have been found. Have a separate Madhes Pradesh also hometown is. " Now left the United Democratic Madhesi Front movement leader Nepal stressed the need for a negotiated solution to this problem was initiated. Some weakness of the current Constitution would be correct to amend the Constitution leader Nepal said it.   East-West Highway blocked due to movement of Sunsari SJP now being bhaiaekale Udaipur, SINDHULI and alternative highway connecting the Capital of upgrading government should immediately initiate the leader Nepal said. For this purpose, the duo team studied alternative highway and Kathmandu Joint Monitoring and returned immediately to the government's attention to the improvement leader Nepal said. He is currently open to cooperate with the government opposition party Nepali Congress have requested.
