Wednesday, November 25, 2015

नेपाली काँग्रेसको अवरोध पछि व्यवस्थापिका संसदको बैठक मंसिर १५ गतेसम्मका लागि स्थगीत:: Read More News>

Kathmandu, 10 November - Parliament session held this afternoon, the Nepali Congress, has been postponed due to obstacles. Last Friday blocked the Parliament session because of Madhesi parliamentarians bottleneck at 11 bajeka was called for. Immediately after meeting the Speaker of the Federal Socialist Forum Onsari Gharti ib MP Upendra Yadav was time to speak. Shortly after dusk Congress MPs had their place. Speaker urges their place though for employment for the meeting has been deferred until December 15 rally. The main opposition Nepali Congress meeting Reconstruction Authority Bill proposed to amend the Constitution by consensus among and demanding parliament was obstructed.
