Monday, November 30, 2015

New magazines - Petroleum import tax exemptions, Nepal, China sent a letter

Kathmandu, 15 November - bringing the incumbent Nepal is more than the value in an attempt to eliminate petroleum tax China has sent a letter to.

On Monday, Finance Ministry of Commerce and Supplies of Nepal Embassy sent a letter to all tax exemptions of China's Commerce Ministry submitted.

Nepal offers cheap Euro -3 Petroleum day
A week's Acting Executive Director Sushil Bhattarai Nepal Oil Corporation and Acting Director Deepak Raj Baral had come to Beijing. China, the euro reached nearly one hundred seventy -4 Rs quality oil to reach Nepal Nepal imported from India has been saying that the euro -3 standard purchase options and team information. However, the oil would formally closed by 2017. China used the option to go back to Nepal could nitisamgai.

However, Problems in China to sell, leaving the euro -3
'Petro Katmandu Euro-3 does business. By another company, even if we take cheap Euro -3 beat discuss alternatives. China is 2017. It could reach tyobare quality oil hataisakne learned that, "said an officer at the Embassy.

Tax exemption price of petrol is usually found only in Nepal
Now China is the tax exemption for petroleum products awaiting a positive response to the Government of Nepal. Together, nearly 40 percent of all petroleum products to be reversed. If the discount price level Nepali incumbent will be able to use the fuel. Beijing to build the business environment from the NOC for the deal on Monday, the two adhikarimadhye Baral Nepal. Bhattarai said China would rather have stopped reactions. 
