Thursday, November 26, 2015

वेलायतको इतिहासमै खतरनाक घटना! दुई करोड दश लाख अमेरिकी डलर बराबरका गरगहना चोरी (भिडियो हेर्नुहोस)

A video shows shopkeepers chasing off knife-wielding ram-raiders. They have stole £20,000 worth of gold in a jewelry smash and grab. Armed with knives and hammers, a gang of 6 on mopeds smashed through the front of The Jeweler, in Kingsbury, north London. While customers fled, staff inside the jewellery shop tried to defend themselves with baseball bats. The footage has been filmed by an onlooker. The footage shows around 40 fellow shopkeepers and members of the community gathering to defend the shop. As they chase the gang away along the Kingsbury Road, a man appears to throw a meat cleaver at the robbers and other launch shopping trolleys, and pallets. One of the robbers is ki!ked off the moped by one of the shopkeepers after he appears to lose balance. All believed to be from nearby Iraqi-run businesses, and is held there by the rest, apparently pinned down with a large wooden pallet. Scattering gold as they went, the rest of the gang fled. The gold was then picked up the rest of the businessmen and returned to the owners of The Jeweler. At around 2 pm, at least 15 kilos of gold jewelry was stolen from the cabinets in the raid. 48 year old Sami, The jeweler manager said, ‘I’m very happy everyone helped. I say thanks to all those people. They did a very good thing for me.’ His 20 year old son Mohammad is studying economics at the University of Essex. he said that he has been helping his father in the shop and was on the phone at the time of the raid. The 20 year old said, ‘Everyone around helped out a lot – that was the best part. I was so happy about what everyone did. It was really something special.’
